Guarana Seed Extract

>> Monday, December 8, 2008

Guarana seed extract are extracts taken from the guarana plant seeds. Guarana is a plant that grows in the Amazon rain forest interior, South America. The majority of this plant growing in the region of North Brazil, and normal of the seed used by the indigenous population as a source of herbal plants.

Guarana seeds of guarana seed or that contain caffeine works to stimulate the central nervous system and accelerate the body's metabolism. Such as tea leaves, guarana also contains tannin, which functions as a healer diarrhea.

Use of
A study shows that the use of Guarana Seed Extract can function as a concept nervous to accelerate the body's metabolism, antioxidant substances, antibakterial and the reduction of fat cells when combined with the CLA (Conjugated Linoeic Acid). A study from The Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics show any reduction in body weight of 5.6 kg for 45 days in a group of people who consume a mixture of yerba some, guarana and thepolice. A study in 1997 showed even consume guarana can add power and remember to keep the body resistance.

There has been no official doses.


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